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Writer's pictureasacredawakening

The Uncomfortable Chrysalis

It's time we surrender to the chrysalis of our spiritual awakening.

So what does that mean? Well, when a caterpillar is on the journey to become the butterfly, they go through that uncomfortable chrysilis phase in which they're in this phase of dismantling all that no longer serves them, and they actually become a mushy substance. And I am sure that these little cute caterpillars are experiencing what they believe to be as death. I mean, their entire body is becoming just a glob of mush in the chrysalis

So often we feel uncomfortable in life, and we're confused as to why, and we feel alone or abandoned. We feel unsafe or we feel misplaced in the world.

During this time, it feels like everything you knew yourself to be is dying.

Yet, if you've been through any spiritual awakening, which I'm sure you have, whether you realize it or not, you come out of it one day, and you start to realize that you're so much stronger than you knew, you have so much more wisdom than you knew, and you have a clarity on why you're here and your purpose.

And if it wasn't for that uncomfortable phase of being in the chrysalis, you would have not discovered the beautiful butterfly in which you were meant to be.

So remember, even in the uncomfortable phases of life, they are just as divine, beautiful and extremely important as the moments of clarity and knowing, or the moment of peace understanding. The phase of the chrysalis is what uncovered your beautiful light.

It is all relevant to your spiritual awakening and to your beautiful light rising. For you are here to really shine bright and to embody all elements of you.

I love you so much. Thank you for being here on this journey of life, all my love.

I SEE you. I KNOW you and I LOVE you.

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